Will 2025 Be Your Year?
Find a new relationship with yourself and the world around you by choosing the just right program for you.
Join a waitlist to claim a spot now and get a special waitlist offer.
Reclaim Your Body with Cynthia Allen
January 7, 8, 9
a free, online series
What an incredible way to start the year! Three sessions to bring you into a new, vibrant relationship with this being called YOU. Replace pain and limitation with ease and quality movement.
Immediately after participants will have the opportunity to join Your Learning Body–our virtual Feldenkrais community.
Retrain Your Brain with Larry Wells
February 18, 19, 20
a free, online series
Brains seem to have a mind of their own! Discover ways to use the power of your thinking to get what you need and want from life. Explore ways of helping yourself that can also help yourself.
Immediately after this free, online series, participants will have the opportunity to join NLP Success 2025–learn Neuro Linguistic Programming to help yourself and others break free from limiting beliefs and circumstances.
Bones for Life with our Certified Teachers/Trainers
April 1, 2, 3
a free, online series
Discover the power of your own upright skeleton. Replace poor posture and balance and confidence in your ability to feed your bones and joints the movement diet they crave.
Immediately after this free, online series, participants will have the opportunity to join our Bones for Life Immersions for their own health or to enter a certification/professional development trac.
Move Better, Feel Better
May 3-7
We don’t have the details on this event yet, but save the dates anyway!
What About the rest of the year?
Our big commitments to you kick off in the first half of the year. Then we work to give you the depth of support that you need the rest of the year. Don’t let another six months pass you by. We are here for you!