So you are interested...

… in being an affiliate in the Move Better, Feel Better Feldenkrais® Awareness Summit. That is great!Have your business Paypal account email address and be ready to complete the U.S. tax form for either a resident or non-resident. They are fairly simple.You want more details on being an affiliate? Please scroll down below the picture for details that put most people asleep.

Is being an affiliate for me?

This is a great question and fairly easy to answer. If you have a well tended mail list of 500 or more people, it is likely worth your time.  You should also find working with URLs, graphics and creating emails fairly easy to do (or have someone on your team that can do all this for you). Some technical proficiency is required.

The not so riveting details

  • Once you are an affiliate and it gets close to the end of March, we will distribute information to you that includes your unique affiliate URL/link for the summit. 
  • You will also receive graphics and suggested wording to use in newsletters.
  • Tracking is done via cookies. The last cookie in the system is the one which will receive the commission. This means if a person clicks on two different affiliate links and purchases when they click on the second one. The second person will get the credit. 
  • Cookies are kept on file for 365 days so you can receive credit for a sales that takes as long as a year to happen.
  • The affiliate commission rate for the 2020 Feldenkrais Awareness Summit is 45% of the sale.
  • Commissions are paid via a business paypal account.
  • Payments are made automatically. There is no manual handling.
  • 50% of the commission is paid immediately and the other 50% is paid in 60 days. This is to accommodate for refunds.
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